Railway tunnel control technology and automation
Project description
BLS Netz AG has been the operator of the Lötschberg Base Tunnel LBT since 2007. During this period, the complete control technology was standardized and in 2013 switched to a new technical control system.
In a further migration step, the controls of the tunnel’s building ventilation systems are now also to be connected to the technical control system. The tunnel structure has 21 technical centres, which consist of concrete structures and containers. These contain a wide variety of ventilation, air conditioning and cold water or mountain water systems that keep the technical premises or containers cool. The existing control systems are at the end of their service life and are to be completely replaced. The focus is on standardization. This applies to both hardware and software.
EPRO TRAFFIC already prepared a detailed preliminary study for this project in 2017 and was also commissioned with the following services for the further project phases.
Our services
Comprehensive project planning of all further phases TL32–TL53, development of project specifications and detailed project, standardization of hardware and softwar, detailed documentation of all systems in the LBT, management and development of a detailed installations matrix, preparation of tenders according to the Swiss public procurement procedure for the procurement of the integrator, coordination and planning of necessary electrical installations (LAN/24VDC/fire control), scheduling and cost controlling, Creation of overall functional description of building ventilation, planning the migration schedule, defining test environments incl. test criteria, specialist integrator controlling, migration support on site, project management, coordination with neighbouring projects and third parties
Owner / Reference
Installations & Projects, IPAL
Client / Reference
Marcel Fankhauser, IPAL Technology Manager Control and Signalling
Project location / route
Lötschberg Base Tunnel
Planungsleistungen, Projektinformationen
SIA Phases
Preliminary Project – Commissioning
Planning period
2018 – 2021
Control and Signalling as well as Automation
Implementation period
2018 – 2021
Under ongoing railway operations
Construction costs
CHF 3.5 million
Facts / Key figures
21 centres, 370 installations, 1394 different installation fuctions (total)
Do you have any questions about this project?
We are happy to answer them – we want to inspire you with our planning services.
Contact Us
Alexander von Rütte
Phone +41 58 502 73 70
Contact by e-mail